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8 months ago
  1. <template>
  2. <div class="app-container">
  3. <p class="warn-content">
  4. Yaml编辑器 基于
  5. <a href="https://github.com/codemirror/CodeMirror" target="_blank">CodeMirror</a>,
  6. 主题预览地址 <a href="https://codemirror.net/demo/theme.html#idea" target="_blank">Theme</a>
  7. </p>
  8. <Yaml :value="value" :height="height" />
  9. </div>
  10. </template>
  11. <script>
  12. import Yaml from '@/components/YamlEdit/index'
  13. export default {
  14. name: 'YamlEdit',
  15. components: { Yaml },
  16. data() {
  17. return {
  18. height: document.documentElement.clientHeight - 210 + 'px',
  19. value: '# 展示数据,如需更换主题,请在src/components/YamlEdit 目录中搜索原主题名称进行替换\n' +
  20. '\n' +
  21. '# ===================================================================\n' +
  22. '# Spring Boot configuration.\n' +
  23. '#\n' +
  24. '# This configuration will be overridden by the Spring profile you use,\n' +
  25. '# for example application-dev.yml if you use the "dev" profile.\n' +
  26. '#\n' +
  27. '# More information on profiles: https://www.jhipster.tech/profiles/\n' +
  28. '# More information on configuration properties: https://www.jhipster.tech/common-application-properties/\n' +
  29. '# ===================================================================\n' +
  30. '\n' +
  31. '# ===================================================================\n' +
  32. '# Standard Spring Boot properties.\n' +
  33. '# Full reference is available at:\n' +
  34. '# http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/common-application-properties.html\n' +
  35. '# ===================================================================\n' +
  36. '\n' +
  37. 'eureka:\n' +
  38. ' client:\n' +
  39. ' enabled: true\n' +
  40. ' healthcheck:\n' +
  41. ' enabled: true\n' +
  42. ' fetch-registry: true\n' +
  43. ' register-with-eureka: true\n' +
  44. ' instance-info-replication-interval-seconds: 10\n' +
  45. ' registry-fetch-interval-seconds: 10\n' +
  46. ' instance:\n' +
  47. ' appname: product\n' +
  48. ' instanceId: product:${spring.application.instance-id:${random.value}}\n' +
  49. ' #instanceId:\n' +
  50. ' lease-renewal-interval-in-seconds: 5\n' +
  51. ' lease-expiration-duration-in-seconds: 10\n' +
  52. ' status-page-url-path: ${management.endpoints.web.base-path}/info\n' +
  53. ' health-check-url-path: ${management.endpoints.web.base-path}/health\n' +
  54. ' metadata-map:\n' +
  55. ' zone: primary # This is needed for the load balancer\n' +
  56. ' profile: ${spring.profiles.active}\n' +
  57. ' version: ${info.project.version:}\n' +
  58. ' git-version: ${git.commit.id.describe:}\n' +
  59. ' git-commit: ${git.commit.id.abbrev:}\n' +
  60. ' git-branch: ${git.branch:}\n' +
  61. 'ribbon:\n' +
  62. ' ReadTimeout: 120000\n' +
  63. ' ConnectTimeout: 300000\n' +
  64. ' eureka:\n' +
  65. ' enabled: true\n' +
  66. 'zuul:\n' +
  67. ' host:\n' +
  68. ' connect-timeout-millis: 5000\n' +
  69. ' max-per-route-connections: 10000\n' +
  70. ' max-total-connections: 5000\n' +
  71. ' socket-timeout-millis: 60000\n' +
  72. ' semaphore:\n' +
  73. ' max-semaphores: 500\n' +
  74. '\n' +
  75. 'feign:\n' +
  76. ' hystrix:\n' +
  77. ' enabled: true\n' +
  78. ' client:\n' +
  79. ' config:\n' +
  80. ' default:\n' +
  81. ' connectTimeout: 500000\n' +
  82. ' readTimeout: 500000\n' +
  83. '\n' +
  84. '# See https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix/wiki/Configuration\n' +
  85. 'hystrix:\n' +
  86. ' command:\n' +
  87. ' default:\n' +
  88. ' circuitBreaker:\n' +
  89. ' sleepWindowInMilliseconds: 100000\n' +
  90. ' forceClosed: true\n' +
  91. ' execution:\n' +
  92. ' isolation:\n' +
  93. '# strategy: SEMAPHORE\n' +
  94. '# See https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix/issues/1330\n' +
  95. ' thread:\n' +
  96. ' timeoutInMilliseconds: 60000\n' +
  97. ' shareSecurityContext: true\n' +
  98. '\n' +
  99. 'management:\n' +
  100. ' endpoints:\n' +
  101. ' web:\n' +
  102. ' base-path: /management\n' +
  103. ' exposure:\n' +
  104. ' include: ["configprops", "env", "health", "info", "threaddump"]\n' +
  105. ' endpoint:\n' +
  106. ' health:\n' +
  107. ' show-details: when_authorized\n' +
  108. ' info:\n' +
  109. ' git:\n' +
  110. ' mode: full\n' +
  111. ' health:\n' +
  112. ' mail:\n' +
  113. ' enabled: false # When using the MailService, configure an SMTP server and set this to true\n' +
  114. ' metrics:\n' +
  115. ' enabled: false # http://micrometer.io/ is disabled by default, as we use http://metrics.dropwizard.io/ instead\n' +
  116. '\n' +
  117. 'spring:\n' +
  118. ' application:\n' +
  119. ' name: product\n' +
  120. ' jpa:\n' +
  121. ' open-in-view: false\n' +
  122. ' hibernate:\n' +
  123. ' ddl-auto: update\n' +
  124. ' naming:\n' +
  125. ' physical-strategy: org.springframework.boot.orm.jpa.hibernate.SpringPhysicalNamingStrategy\n' +
  126. ' implicit-strategy: org.springframework.boot.orm.jpa.hibernate.SpringImplicitNamingStrategy\n' +
  127. ' messages:\n' +
  128. ' basename: i18n/messages\n' +
  129. ' mvc:\n' +
  130. ' favicon:\n' +
  131. ' enabled: false\n' +
  132. ' thymeleaf:\n' +
  133. ' mode: HTML\n' +
  134. 'security:\n' +
  135. ' oauth2:\n' +
  136. ' resource:\n' +
  137. ' filter-order: 3\n' +
  138. '\n' +
  139. 'server:\n' +
  140. ' servlet:\n' +
  141. ' session:\n' +
  142. ' cookie:\n' +
  143. ' http-only: true\n' +
  144. '\n' +
  145. '# Properties to be exposed on the /info management endpoint\n' +
  146. 'info:\n' +
  147. ' # Comma separated list of profiles that will trigger the ribbon to show\n' +
  148. ' display-ribbon-on-profiles: "dev"\n' +
  149. '\n' +
  150. '# ===================================================================\n' +
  151. '# JHipster specific properties\n' +
  152. '#\n' +
  153. '# Full reference is available at: https://www.jhipster.tech/common-application-properties/\n' +
  154. '# ===================================================================\n' +
  155. '\n' +
  156. 'jhipster:\n' +
  157. ' async:\n' +
  158. ' core-pool-size: 2\n' +
  159. ' max-pool-size: 50\n' +
  160. ' queue-capacity: 10000\n' +
  161. ' # By default CORS is disabled. Uncomment to enable.\n' +
  162. ' #cors:\n' +
  163. ' #allowed-origins: "*"\n' +
  164. ' #allowed-methods: "*"\n' +
  165. ' #allowed-headers: "*"\n' +
  166. ' #exposed-headers: "Authorization,Link,X-Total-Count"\n' +
  167. ' #allow-credentials: true\n' +
  168. ' #max-age: 1800\n' +
  169. ' mail:\n' +
  170. ' from: product@localhost\n' +
  171. ' swagger:\n' +
  172. ' default-include-pattern: /api/.*\n' +
  173. ' title: product API\n' +
  174. ' description: product API documentation\n' +
  175. ' version: 0.0.1\n' +
  176. ' terms-of-service-url:\n' +
  177. ' contact-name:\n' +
  178. ' contact-url:\n' +
  179. ' contact-email:\n' +
  180. ' license:\n' +
  181. ' license-url:\n' +
  182. '\n' +
  183. '# ===================================================================\n' +
  184. '# Application specific properties\n' +
  185. '# Add your own application properties here, see the ApplicationProperties class\n' +
  186. '# to have type-safe configuration, like in the JHipsterProperties above\n' +
  187. '#\n' +
  188. '# More documentation is available at:\n' +
  189. '# https://www.jhipster.tech/common-application-properties/\n' +
  190. '# ===================================================================\n' +
  191. '\n' +
  192. '# application:\n'
  193. }
  194. },
  195. mounted() {
  196. const that = this
  197. window.onresize = function temp() {
  198. that.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight - 210 + 'px'
  199. }
  200. }
  201. }
  202. </script>
  203. <style scoped>
  204. </style>